When properly constructed and fit, thong underwear is the most comfortable panty a woman can wear. In 2006, Katie combined her sewing skills, background in anatomy/kinesiology and interest in fitness to design a comfortable women's thong panty in stretch cotton. It is available in multiple sizes at http://www.everybodywear.com/.


Senior Women

Everybodywear has wearers of all ages and the oldest - of whom we know - is 79. The reasons older women like everybodywear are generally the same as younger women: Everybodywear fits, is comfortable, affordable, durable and made from hygienic cotton in the USA. Its attractive styling provides light tummy-smoothing properties without "muffin top," and it has no panty lines. Nonetheless, there are important concerns older women share about thong underwear.

For example, if a woman is experiencing bladder leakage and needs to wear an absorbent pad, she may require a brief-style panty to accommodate the pad's bulk. A few women have success using a thong-style panty liner, but liners can only handle the most incidental volumes.

Another concern for certain thong wearers is hemorrhoids. If you have hemorrhoids, do not wear thong underwear. Even the best-designed thong panty can irritate them.

A final concern women with aging bodies have about thong underwear is the fit. As skin and adipose tissue loosen and sag, wearing a low-cut thong becomes unflattering because the top band of the garment bisects the abdominal area, creating a "muffin top." And in cases where a woman's body weight redistributes away from the gluteus muscles on her posterior, she may not have enough tissue to hold a low-rise thong in place without it slipping.

Everybodywear is the best thong panty available for senior women. Its high waist keeps it well anchored just below the hip, and a touch of spandex in the fabric lightly smoothes the tummy for a flattering fit. The back rise is just the right width to sit lightly without rubbing and is virtually undetectable when worn.


Thong Underwear and Menstruation

Women who wear low-rise thong underwear sometimes tell us that they switch to "granny pants," a colloquialism for brief-style underwear, during their periods because their thongs are uncomfortable for the duration of their menstrual cycle and excess fluid weight makes their lower abdomen protrude.

The sensation of a tight fitting thong can be avoided with the everybodywear thong panty. With its high waist and stretch cotton front panel, everybodywear remains comfortable throughout a woman's period. The same fibers in the fabric and trims that move with your body for a comfortable fit also accommodate changes in your body weight. Some fans of everybodywear have even reported wearing their regular thong panty size through their 7th month of pregnancy!

If you prefer sanitary pads to tampons, Carefree and Kotex both offer a thong-style panty liner.


Teen and Pre-Teen Girls

At what age is a girl old enough to wear thong underwear? Certainly this is a question parents must discuss and many dads will simply say, "never." Even so, certain snug-fitting sports uniforms like volleyball shorts force the conversation and Dad might need to relent.

To begin, consider which brand of thong underwear you would allow her to wear. Do you really want your daughter running around in "Hanky Panky?" Probably not. Although the Hanky Panky thong is made in USA, most styles are low, lacy and named to suggest activities more related to removing them than wearing them. The price is also a drawback at $18-$37 per pair.

Prices are considerably lower for Victoria's Secret, but so is the quality. Expect these imports to fall apart in the wash, and good luck finding anyone who finds them to be comfortable.

Cosabella makes some lovely imported thongs, but they are low cut, synthetic and even more expensive than Hanky Panky. Jockey has a few sportier and more affordable styles, but they are also low-cut and made of synthetic fibers.

Everybodywear women's thong underwear is the clear winner for teen and pre-teen girls. Made of comfortable and hygenic stretch cotton, its modest front panel rises just under the navel. Leg openings are edged in stretch-satin, and a 3/4-inch covered waistband anchors the garment firmly in place for a smooth, comfortable fit. Everybodywear is made in USA.

The everybodywear team of fit testers and style advisers includes young wearers between the ages of 12 and 18. They enthusiastically report the everybodywear thong panty to be "super-comfortable" and appreciate being able to wear everybodywear in a busy locker room without feeling embarrassed.


About Body Shapers

Sometimes you just have to fit into that special dress. We understand. Body shapers can compress and redistribute adipose tissue to give the appearance of a slimmer shape.

While body shapers are fine now and then, they are unsuitable for everyday wear. Binding your pelvic area in heavy elastic can restrict normal range of motion and traps bacteria against your skin which can cause odor and infection.

Instead, celebrate your authentic shape. Everybodywear provides light tummy control while allowing you to move freely without panty lines. Shed your shaper for a cool, comfortable everybodywear thong panty.

If you're concerned about a lumpy posterior showing through your clothing, give yourself a careful look in the mirror. You may look better than you expect. If you're still seeing unsightly marks, choose a heavier fabric and stay with dark colors.


About Spanx

Why would any hygiene-conscious woman encase her body in a tight synthetic sleeve like Spanx? Even if Spanx are worn over a cotton crotch - and truth be told, many women wear them bare-bummed - that robust wrapping of nylon holds bacteria against the skin. It simply can't breathe.

During everybodywear's development, we consulted three prominent gynecological physicians who all reiterated what we women have heard for years from our OB/GYNs: Wear cotton underwear and clothing that can move against your body.

These same physicians independently agreed that the 90% cotton in everybodywear was easily sufficient to meet the wear-cotton requirement.

Instead of using Spanx to smooth out panty lines, avoid them all together by wearing thong underwear that fits properly.


Health Reasons for a Correctly Designed Thong Panty

If you are going to wear thong underwear, choose a well-designed cotton style and be certain that the panty fits properly or you could risk injury or infection.

Look for a thong panty with a waistband that anchors just above your hip bones, and leg openings that stay put. This will prevent the back rise from shifting. Excess movement in the back can conduct fecal bacteria from the anus forward, causing a urinary tract infection or vaginal infection. Severe rubbing can even cause lacerations.

Before you purchase thong underwear, check to be sure there is ample crotch coverage. Observe the quality of the construction and trims to ensure the garment will keep its shape after laundering. For example, a thin piece of elastic "floss" attached to a triangle of thin fabric for the crotch will eventually break down in the wash and lose its structural integrity. And plain elastic is a poor choice for a back strap because it will move too much.

Finally, there is no need to wear thong underwear while you sleep. Be free.